fundmasternode - Divi 2.5.1 RPC

fundmasternode alias amount TxID masternode ( "pay wallet" ( "voting wallet" ) )

Verifies the escrowed funds for the masternode and returns the necessary info for your and its configuration files.

1. alias			(string, required) helpful identifier to recognize this allocation later.
2. amount			(diamond, platinum, gold, silver, copper) tier of masternode. 
      <future>     (numeric, required) amount of divi funded will also be accepted for partially funding master nodes and other purposes.
3. TxID			(string, required) funding transaction id or bare txid.
4. masternode		(string, required) ip address of masternode.
(use an empty string for the pay wallet if the same as the funding wallet and you wish to assign a different voting wallet).

"config line"	(string) the above details for the masternode & wallet config files & cryptographic signature proving that you authorized this.

Maintained by DiviDomains; modified by: Bert Shuler;license of the docs is MIT (see divi repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet divi node

