mnsync - Divi 2.5.1 RPC

mnsync "status|reset"

Returns the sync status or resets sync.

1. "mode"    (string, required) either 'status' or 'reset'

Result ('status' mode):
  "IsBlockchainSynced": true|false,    (boolean) 'true' if blockchain is synced
  "timestampOfLastMasternodeListUpdate": xxxx,        (numeric) Timestamp of last MN list message
  "timestampOfLastMasternodeWinnerUpdate": xxxx,      (numeric) Timestamp of last MN winner message
  "lastBudgetItem": xxxx,            (numeric) Timestamp of last MN budget message
  "timestampOfLastFailedSync": xxxx,           (numeric) Timestamp of last failed sync
  "countOfFailedSyncAttempts": n,           (numeric) Number of failed syncs (total)
  "nominalNumberOfMasternodeBroadcastsReceived": n,        (numeric) Number of MN list messages (total)
  "nominalNumberOfMasternodeWinnersReceived": n,      (numeric) Number of MN winner messages (total)
  "sumBudgetItemProp": n,        (numeric) Number of MN budget messages (total)
  "sumBudgetItemFin": n,         (numeric) Number of MN budget finalization messages (total)
  "fulfilledMasternodeListSyncRequests": n,      (numeric) Number of MN list messages (local)
  "fulfilledMasternodeWinnerSyncRequests": n,    (numeric) Number of MN winner messages (local)
  "countBudgetItemProp": n,      (numeric) Number of MN budget messages (local)
  "countBudgetItemFin": n,       (numeric) Number of MN budget finalization messages (local)
  "currentMasternodeSyncStatus": n, (numeric) Status code of last sync phase
  "totalSuccessivePeerSyncRequests": n, (numeric) Status code of last sync attempt

Result ('reset' mode):
"status"     (string) 'success'

> divi-cli mnsync "status"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "mnsync", "params": ["status"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by DiviDomains; modified by: Bert Shuler;license of the docs is MIT (see divi repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet divi node

