sendmany - Divi 2.5.1 RPC

sendmany "fromaccount" {"address":amount,...} ( minconf "comment" )

Send multiple times. Amounts are double-precision floating point numbers.

1. "fromaccount"         (string, required) The account to send the funds from, can be "" for the default account
2. "amounts"             (string, required) A json object with addresses and amounts
      "address":amount   (numeric) The divi address is the key, the numeric amount in DIVI is the value
3. minconf                 (numeric, optional, default=1) Only use the balance confirmed at least this many times.
4. "comment"             (string, optional) A comment

"transactionid"          (string) The transaction id for the send. Only 1 transaction is created regardless of 
                                    the number of addresses.


Send two amounts to two different addresses:
> divi-cli sendmany "tabby" "{\"XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg\":0.01,\"XuQQkwA4FYkq2XERzMY2CiAZhJTEDAbtcg\":0.02}"

Send two amounts to two different addresses setting the confirmation and comment:
> divi-cli sendmany "tabby" "{\"XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg\":0.01,\"XuQQkwA4FYkq2XERzMY2CiAZhJTEDAbtcg\":0.02}" 6 "testing"

As a json rpc call
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "sendmany", "params": ["tabby", "{\"XwnLY9Tf7Zsef8gMGL2fhWA9ZmMjt4KPwg\":0.01,\"XuQQkwA4FYkq2XERzMY2CiAZhJTEDAbtcg\":0.02}", 6, "testing"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Maintained by DiviDomains; modified by: Bert Shuler;license of the docs is MIT (see divi repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet divi node

