setupmasternode - Divi 2.5.1 RPC

setupmasternode alias txhash outputIndex collateralPubKey ip_address

Starts escrows funds for some purpose.

1. alias			    (string, required) Helpful identifier to recognize this masternode later. 
2. txHash              (string, required) Funding transaction hash or bare txid. 
3. outputIndex         (string, required) Output index transaction. 
4. collateralPubkey    (string, required) collateral pubkey. 
5. ip_address          (string, required) Local ip address of this node

"protocol_version"			(string) Protocol version used for serialization.
"message_to_sign"			(string) Hex-encoded msg requiring collateral signature.
"config_line"			    (string) Configuration data needed in the.
"broadcast_data"			    (string) funding transaction id necessary for next step.

Maintained by DiviDomains; modified by: Bert Shuler;license of the docs is MIT (see divi repo), license of the scripts and webpage is also MIT (github repo)

Note it uses a mainnet divi node

